Digitally Next

Demand Generation

“Sales or branding ?”

The ever going debate has its final resolution by having  smart  Demand  Generation plan in place.

It’s an outcome of  a marketing strategy focused on building reliable brand awareness and interest, resulting in high-quality leads.

Digitally Next helps in making these business’ marketing messages sound more authoritative and carry more weight with prospective clients, and ultimately help increase revenue by farming strong leads.

With more than decade of experience in ever evolving demand generation space , Digitally Next has decipher the above code in keeping the authoritative tone of a thought leadership or subject matter expertise by planning demand generation strategies according to the Industry.

“Be it B2B, B2C, D2C , B2G, C2C, C2B etc .  There is no as such “standard Plan fit all “

The induced deliberation is initiated right during the understanding of business goals itself – the strategic growth road map and the RoI to be accomplished by having a desired funnel set up ( with defined parameters)  and associated analytics.

Be it in getting a clarity on MQL (Market Qualified Leads) criteria or while deciding on CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost).

This even makes it easy to map the GMV (Gross Merchandise Value) with CLC (Customer Life Cycle)

The creation and implementation of any demand generation campaign hence gets enriched with:

  • A| B Testing  of a campaign and landing page
  • Right CTA placement
  • Blending the Organic and Paid Outreach beyond simple click based to feed based marketing 
  • Periodic iteration or Pivoting for targeted ROAS (Return on Ad spend)
  • Algorithm friendly  content . Along with the power of Hashtags and Keywords
  • Correlation Marketing , retargeting and look alike matching to the persona of targeted audience.
  • Making combinations of:  Offer + Awareness +Unboxing

Case Studies

How a Newly launched D2C brand on FMCG got its first sale

How a Newly launched D2C brand on FMCG got its first sale

A real estate client could see a better value and a 1/3 lead cost (compared to prominent real estate portals providing common leads to all)  with no compromise on MQL parameters

D2C client into Sports/Superbikes rentals got 3x more leads in the same budget.

How a B2B client in SAP services able to get quality decision makers prospects