Digitally Next

September 2023

Making combinations of: Offer + Awareness + Unboxing in Digital Marketing

Unboxing works on the premise of brands wanting to start on the right foot. Make a great first impression. Because marketers know that first impressions and authentic experiences matter a lot. So much so that, it makes or breaks customer decisions in the space of a few seconds.   And in this context, unboxing becomes a vital opportunity for brand storytelling.   In the moment of unboxing, customers are reeling with the anticipation to find out what’s in store...

The Evolution of Digital Marketing: From Then to Now – Embracing the Era of Digital Social Media

The digital ecosystem has undergone a tectonic shift over the past few decades, redefining the way businesses bridge and build bonds with their target audiences. In the early days, the term "digital marketing" majorly used strategies that leveraged digital platforms for promotional activities. Fast forward to today, we have crossed the rubicon. The world has reached a point of no return where conventional digital marketing efforts has shifted dramatically towards "digital social media," a dynamic and interactive...