Digitally Next

June 2023

360 Degree Digital Campaign is about culture building to think or act only digital

360 Degree Digital Campaign is about culture building to think or act only digital   They say, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”   This proverb cannot be more relevant in an era when words like “social media,” “digital marketing,” “e-commerce,” “retail therapy” have creeped into the routine vocabulary of the layman. Thus, in a digital era, you’ve got to join the bandwagon.   Where Digital has become our DNA. Startups as well as major businesses have switched...

Offshoring Digital Marketing Made Easy in 5 steps

“…. there is a widely spread expectation that cost of operations will fall significantly for the same piece of work that has been done for a long time with in house personnel.”    This is what the 2020 Deloitte Global Outsourcing and Insourcing Survey Report found via-a-vis the burning offshoring question- The top reason to outsource overseas is to gather the cream of the crop from offshore locations at comparatively lower prices. In essence, outsourcing is the...

Four Key Essential Concerns of a Chief Digital Officer

The proverb, “Knowledge is power” is very much the driving fuel of the entire corporate sector that is rigged to thrive on data pooling in from all sides. In such a scenario, when data is the operative word, organizations depend largely on professionals who have the knack to play around with tricky data. As a result, the trendiest C-suite role for the past few years has been that of the Chief Digital Officer, or...